Few members of Congress are as detestable as Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA). It’s disgraceful that he’s not only retained his position but also has the audacity to run for the Senate after his role in perpetuating the Russia collusion narrative.
He continues his controversial actions by criticizing former President Donald Trump over his Manhattan conviction, expressing concern that the legal actions against Trump are perceived as politically motivated.
Despite these criticisms, Trump remains a strong contender, leading Joe Biden in polls, even in traditionally Democratic states like Virginia and Minnesota, as noted by my colleague Bob Hoge. Schiff also took aim at the supporters within Trump’s party.
During a heated commentary, Schiff criticized the Republican Party, claiming it was attempting to build an “immoral majority” to bring Donald Trump back into office. It’s astonishing that Schiff would disparage millions of Americans so harshly, especially given his own controversial actions, which severely undermine his moral authority.
This behavior seems more like projection, considering these Americans do not represent the majority. It’s no surprise that the Democrats are losing support when they demean the electorate in this manner. This rhetoric echoes Hillary Clinton’s infamous “deplorables” remark and Barack Obama’s comments about people clinging to “guns or religion.” Why should anyone vote for a party that displays such disdain for ordinary Americans?
Democrats resort to these attacks because they lack compelling policies to attract voters, leading them to resort to fear-mongering against the opposition. Their anxiety is palpable, fearing Biden’s potential defeat to Trump.
Schiff’s labeling of Trump’s supporters as “immoral” reflects his distorted view of democracy. It’s clear that people have every right to vote for Trump instead of Biden, and doing so is not an act of “reinstating” Trump, but simply exercising their democratic rights.
Typically, I steer clear of personal attacks, but considering Adam Schiffās actions against Trump, Trump’s recent remark during his Dr. Phil interview last week about Schiff feels quite appropriate. In fact, it’s quite restrained and humorously spot-on. It perfectly captures the deeply unappealing nature of Schiff’s character.
Wow, what a moment. Trump remarked, “These are bad people.” He’s absolutely right; they’ll go to any lengths to maintain their grip on power.