Former Governor Nikki Haley (R-SC), a Republican presidential hopeful, asserted on Sunday during ABC’s “This Week” that should former President Donald Trump gain the authority to appoint his allies to key positions within the Republican National Committee, the party would be left financially incapacitated to secure victory in the 2024 races for both the House and the Senate.
Anchor Jon Karl said, “As you have talked about as well, Trump is engineering a takeover of the Republican National Committee, and he wants to make his daughter-in-law the co-chair.”
Haley said, “I mean, it should be a wakeup call for Republicans all over this country. I mean, you look at the fact that we saw in his campaign reports that he used $50 million of campaign contributions to pay for his personal court cases. Then, he tried to get the RNC to name him the presumptive nominee. We don’t anoint kings in America. So when he got pushback on that, they started to walk it back.”
She added, “Now he’s trying to control the RNC by putting his daughter-in-law as the co-chair and putting his campaign manager as the director of operations. Now, when you look at that, the part I worry about is the RNC is now going to be the piggy bank for Trump’s legal fees. The RNC is almost broke already. Now you go and see he’s looking for other avenues to pay his legal fees. You can hang up winning the House and the Senate or having any resources for us to win any other races if all they’re doing is thinking about how they’re going to pay his court fees.”